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“Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” –Mark 6:31
Jesus did it all the time, according to the Gospels. He followed a full day of labor for the sake of the Kingdom with getaway time in the wilderness, up a mountain, on the water, or at the home of friends. Jesus didn’t work himself to death. Extinction came to him by other means. Jesus chose a life of balance: community and solitude, fasting and feasting, prayer and preaching, offering himself to the crowds and napping in the bottom of his friend’s boat.
When the disciples went out for a full day of preaching, healing, and exorcising demons, Jesus invited them to enjoy the same comforting rest afterwards. But just as Jesus wasn’t militant about ministry, he wasn’t a stickler for quitting time either. Despite his efforts to seek rest, the need of the crowd overweighed personal weariness. Compassion never takes a break.
When did you receive something extra from another person, for compassion’s sake?
Image credit: anatoliycherkas/