Celebrating Love Every Day
What could be better than celebrating love? Children can express the secure feeling of being loved and the joy of sharing that love with family and friends. It’s not a […]read more
February: Month of the Holy Family
During February, the Church honors the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. Catholics focus on the gifts we receive from our families—especially love and forgiveness. Encourage your families to […]read more
February: Black History Month
February is Black History Month in the United States. Along with November, which is Black Catholic History Month, this observance presents opportunities to learn more about the history and influence […]read more
Praying for an End of Slavery and Human Trafficking
January is National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month in the U.S. This national observance is followed with the International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking on February […]read more
Website Spotlight: Seasonal Resources
Four times during the program year, Pflaum Gospel Weeklies provide three or more ready-to-print activities for each level: Seeds / Semillas (Preschool), Promise / Promesa (Grades K, 1), Good News […]read more
Celebrate Winter Saints
Good role models aren’t hard to find! All we need to do is point to the saints in Heaven and learn from them. Learn about some of the saints whose […]read more
New Year and Winter Activities
Start off the new year with these winter activities and resources: Seeds / Semillas: Mary Is the Mother of Jesus / María es la Madre de Jesús Seeds / Semillas: Thank You, […]read more
Our Lady of the Snows
Living in Midwest, I have come to expect snow every winter. I once sent a gift of fake snowballs to my four nephews who live in South Carolina since snow […]read more
Celebrating Our Lady
This second week of Advent includes several feast days that honor Mary. They begin on Monday, December 9, with the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, […]read more
Saint Charles de Foucauld—Brother to All
In his encyclical On Fraternity and Social Friendship (Fratelli Tutti), Pope Francis described Charles de Foucauld as a “person of deep faith who, drawing upon his intense experience of God, […]read more
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Our Editors

David Dziena
David Dziena is the Publisher of Pflaum Publishing Group. He has also served as Executive Editor and […]

Joan McKamey
Project Editor
Joan McKamey, project editor, joined the Gospel Weeklies editorial team in September 2016. […]

Erika De Urquidi
Bilingual Editor
Erika De Urquidi, bilingual editor, joined Bayard, Inc. in July 2018. During her 15 years as a professional translator […]