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Celebrating Love Every Day

Celebrating Love Every Day

What could be better than celebrating love? Children can express the secure feeling of being loved and the joy of sharing that love with family and friends. It’s not a big leap for them to understand the Law of Love—loving God with their hearts, minds, and souls, and loving their neighbor as they love themselves.

Saint Valentine of Terni, whose feast day we celebrate on February 14, is known for defying the Emperor Claudius by performing a secret marriage for a soldier headed to war. Share these Valentine activity pages for Seeds / Semillas and Promise / Promesa children, which underscore Jesus’ command to “love one another” (John 15:12). The pages are available to download and print in both Spanish and English.

Find more information about Saint Valentine and ideas for observing this celebration with children from Seeds (preschool) through Visions (grades 6–9) here.

And check out these articles from for more ideas:

“Bible Candy Valentines” by Jessica Gordon
“Heart Activity for St. Valentine’s Day” (Catechist Prayer Experience) by Sandi Belleque
“Learning Faith, Hope, and Love” by Jeanne Heiberg
“Hearts and Hands Celebrate God’s Love” (Family Faith Event) by Jeanne Heiberg

Image credit: Dragon Images/

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