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Author: Joan McKamey

Para la versión en español, haga clic aquí. November 10 is the last Sunday in the first unit of the Gospel Weeklies lessons. Use the unit assessments we offer for […]
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For the English version, click here. El 10 de noviembre es el último domingo de la primera unidad de las lecciones de los Gospel Weeklies. Utilice las evaluaciones de unidad […]
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Advent begins on December 1, so it’s time to plan! Help the children enter more fully into the real spirit of this special time in the Liturgical Year. Order Absolutely […]
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Para la versión en español, haga clic aquí. This Sunday is the World Day of the Poor. Pope Francis established this annual observance in 2017 to help us reflect on […]
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For the English version, click here. Este domingo es la Jornada Mundial de los Pobres. El Papa Francisco estableció esta celebración anual en el 2017 para ayudarnos a recordar que […]
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On November 9, we celebrate The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome in our liturgy. This week on November 18, we again recognize important buildings with this feast: The […]
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A great way to integrate prayer into our daily routine is to begin and end our days with prayer. When we use these “prayer bookends,” we may also be more […]
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Para la versión en español, haga clic aquí. Sunday, November 3, is the date for the end of Daylight Savings Time. We all like this “fall back” much better than […]
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For the English version, click here. El domingo 3 de noviembre finaliza el horario de verano. A todos nos gusta mucho más este “retroceso” que el doloroso “adelanto” que se […]
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November is designated as Black Catholic History Month. It’s a great time to learn about Black Catholics who have been canonized or are on the path to sainthood. Discover and […]
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