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FROM OUR EDITORS—July 28, 2024 – 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Para la versión en español, haga clic aquí. On July 28, the Catholic Church celebrates the World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly.* In his message on the occasion of […]read more

SUNDAY’S GOSPEL—July 28, 2024 – 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Para la versión en español, haga clic aquí. John 6:1–15 “Gather the fragments left over, so that nothing will be wasted.” –John 6:12 There are always fragments left over. No […]read more

EVANGELIO DOMINICAL—28 de julio de 2024 – 17.o Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

For the English version, click here. Juan 6, 1–15 “Recojan los pedazos sobrantes, para que no se desperdicien”. –Juan 6, 12 Siempre sobre algo. No importa lo escasos que parezcan […]read more

Blessed Carlo Acutis Cleared for Canonization

If you follow a Catholic news channel or social media account, it is very likely that you have heard about the upcoming canonization of Blessed Carlo Acutis. This young man […]read more

Prayers for Back to School

Every week, the Pflaum Gospel Weeklies lessons begin and end with prayers of the Church, prayers of the season, or spontaneous petitions and prayers of thanksgiving, so it’s fitting that […]read more

SUNDAY’S GOSPEL—August 4, 2024 – 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Para la versión en español, haga clic aquí. John 6:24–35 Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life.” –John 6:35 We perceive a pattern developing. Free food isn’t […]read more

EVANGELIO DOMINICAL—4 de agosto de 2024 – 18.o Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

For the English version, click here. Juan 6, 24–35 Jesús les contestó: “Yo soy el pan de la vida”. –Juan 6, 35 Parece que comienza a desarrollarse un patrón. La […]read more

Sacramental Prep and the Gospel Weeklies

All sacraments are celebrations of the parish community. What better way to prepare young people for the sacraments than by helping them and their families to connect to the Sunday […]read more

When the Saints Go Marching In

Newly canonized saints generate excitement among learners and give children examples of people who followed God’s call in many different life situations. Catechists, teachers, families, and children feel a connection […]read more

SUNDAY’S GOSPEL—July 21, 2024 – 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Para la versión en español, haga clic aquí. Mark 6:30–34 “Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” –Mark 6:31 Jesus did it all the time, […]read more

EVANGELIO DOMINICAL—21 de julio de 2024 – 16.o Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

For the English version, click here. Marcos 6, 30–34 “Vengan conmigo a un lugar solitario, para que descansen un poco”. –Marcos 6, 31 Jesús hacía esto siempre, según los Evangelios. […]read more

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Our Editors

David Dziena

David Dziena is the Publisher of Pflaum Publishing Group. He has also served as Executive Editor and […]

Joan McKamey
Project Editor

Joan McKamey, project editor, joined the Gospel Weeklies editorial team in September 2016. […]

Erika De Urquidi
Bilingual Editor

Erika De Urquidi, bilingual editor, joined Bayard, Inc. in July 2018. During her 15 years as a professional translator […]