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FROM OUR EDITORS—September 22, 2024 – 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

FROM OUR EDITORS—September 22, 2024 – 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

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Welcome to the 2024–2025 year of the Pflaum Gospel Weeklies! Be assured of our prayers for you and the young people in your care as you embark upon another year of sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Every week in the GROW newsletter, you will find helpful tips for teaching your Gospel Weeklies lesson, a reflection on the Sunday Gospel, and links to online resources.

Videos of Sunday’s Gospel (Mark 9:30–37)
Use these videos as you discuss today’s Gospel. Please preview to select the video appropriate for your group:
     Holy Heroes
     Mark 9:30–37
     Mark 9:30–37—I’m Awesome, Right?

Lesson Theme: We learn about Jesus.
Welcome to a new Seeds year! This is a good week for nametags, icebreakers, and setting class expectations. Remember to prepare 18″ lengths of yarn or thin ribbon (one per child) and to fill in spaces on each child’s medallion in advance of the lesson. You will also need a hole punch, tape or stapler, crayons or colored pencils, scissors, and a Church Year calendar.

For the medallion activity on pages 3–4, we recommend having the help or one or two aides. Also, it is a good idea to complete your own medallion before class, so the children can see the final product. Make the gold What the Church Believes and Teaches box in the Teaching Guide for each lesson a priority in your lesson planning and sharing!

Find instructions to create a paper chain here.

Teaching Guide
Parent Teaching Pages
The Gospel at Home
Weekly Review Template
Word of the Week
Seasonal Resources
     Gospel Reflection and Saint of the Week with Miss Heidi
     Kid-Sized Lessons on the Sunday Gospel with Mrs. Cole (Bible Bag)

Lesson Theme: We learn to follow Jesus.
Welcome to a new Promise year! This is a good week for nametags, icebreakers, and setting class expectations. Remember to prepare large paper hearts (one per child) in advance of the lesson. You’ll also need a Bible, a ball, pencils, crayons, scissors or tape, and a Church Year calendar.

This is a good lesson for exploring what a promise is and helping the children make the connection of their lesson title for the year to God’s promises to us and our promises to God. Make sure to take time to introduce the children to their What the Church Believes and Teaches handbooks and to do the related activities on pages 4–6 as suggested in the gold box on page TG1-7 of your Teaching Guide. Make the gold What the Church Believes and Teaches box in the Teaching Guide for each lesson a priority in your lesson planning and sharing!

Teaching Guide
Parent Teaching Pages
The Gospel at Home
Weekly Review Template
Online Assessment
Word of the Week
Seasonal Resources
     Gospel Reflection and Saint of the Week with Miss Heidi
     Kid-Sized Lessons on the Sunday Gospel with Mrs. Cole (Bible Bag)

Good News
Lesson Theme: Jesus’ followers serve others.
Welcome to a new Good News year! This is a good week for nametags, icebreakers, and setting class expectations. Remember to collect several recent parish bulletins or newsletters for this class. You’ll also need Bibles, a ball, pencils, crayons, scissors, tape or stapler, and a Church Year calendar.

This is a good lesson for introducing the children to their What the Church Believes and Teaches handbooks. Make sure to take time to walk through the suggestions in the gold box on page TG1-7 of your Teaching Guide. Doing this will help the children make important connections between everyday good news, to how hearing and sharing good news makes them feel, to the word Gospel meaning “good news,” to finding the Gospels in their Bibles, to filling out an application to help Saint Paul share the Good News about Jesus. Make the gold What the Church Believes and Teaches box in the Teaching Guide for each lesson a priority in your lesson planning and sharing!

Teaching Guide
Parent Teaching Pages
The Gospel at Home
Weekly Review Template
Online Assessment
Seasonal Resources
     How Can We Be of Service to Others?

Lesson Theme: Jesus calls us to welcome and serve.
Welcome to a new Venture year! This is a good week for nametags, icebreakers, and setting class expectations. Gather pencils or pens, markers, glue or tape, writing paper, cardstock or construction paper, scissors, poster board, copies of newspapers and magazines, and a Liturgical Year calendar.

Make the gold What the Church Believes and Teaches box in the Teaching Guide for each lesson a priority in your lesson planning and sharing!

Teaching Guide
Parent Teaching Pages
The Gospel at Home
Weekly Review Template
Online Assessment
Seasonal Resources
     What Is the Church? An Explanation for Kids
     Role of the Assembly: Intro

Lesson Theme: Jesus calls us to welcome and serve.
Welcome to a new Visions year! This is a good week for nametags, icebreakers, and setting class expectations. You’ll also need colorful candies, i.e., Skittlesâ or M&Msâ (be alert to allergies); pencils or pens; and poster board or newsprint. Bring materials—colored cloth, candle, lighter/matches, Bible, cross—to have your students set up a prayer space where your class meets. Let this be the students’ responsibility this year.

Make the gold What the Church Believes and Teaches box in the Teaching Guide for each lesson a priority in your lesson planning and sharing!

Teaching Guide
Parent Teaching Pages
The Gospel at Home
Weekly Review Template
Online Assessment
Seasonal Resources
     Role of the Assembly: Intro
     7 Things You Didn’t Know About CRS

Image credit: Kara Gebhardt/

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