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FROM OUR EDITORS—November 17, 2024 – 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

FROM OUR EDITORS—November 17, 2024 – 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

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This Sunday is the World Day of the Poor. Pope Francis established this annual observance in 2017 to help us reflect on how poverty is at the heart of the Gospel. This year’s theme is “The prayer of the poor rises up to God (cf. Sirach 21:5).” He writes:

“In this year dedicated to prayer in anticipation of the Ordinary Jubilee of 2025, this expression of biblical wisdom is most fitting as we prepare for the Eighth World Day of the Poor, which will be observed on 17 November. Indeed, Christian hope embraces the certainty that our prayer reaches God’s presence; not just any prayer but rather the prayer of the poor! Let us reflect on this word and ‘read’ it on the faces and in the stories of the poor whom we encounter daily, so that prayer can become a path of communion with them and a sharing in their suffering” (1).

In his comments to women religious on August 12, Pope Francis said, “Life’s ‘final exam’ will be on care for the poor.”

These resources will help you raise awareness of poverty and our call to be cheerful givers to those in need:
Poverty Quiz / Cuestionario de pobreza from
Prayers from the USCCB
Help Us Build Communities in God’s Vision of Justice / Oración para la justicia
Prayer for Those in Poverty / Oración por aquellos en pobreza
Prayer for the Poor / Oración por los pobres
Prayer to Overcome Indifference / Oración para vencer la indiferencia
Model of Christian Generosity
Saint Elizabeth of Hungary (Feast day: 11/17)

Every week in the GROW newsletter, you will find helpful tips for teaching your Gospel Weeklies lesson, a reflection on the Sunday Gospel, and links to online resources.

Videos of Sunday’s Gospel (Mark 13:24–32)
Use these videos as you discuss today’s Gospel. Please preview to make sure the videos are appropriate for your group:
Holy Heroes
Gospel Reading and Reflection for Kids
Every Day Can Be a Sunday
Jubilee 2025: Pilgrims of Hope Resources
Jubilee 2025 activities, handouts, resources, and more

Lesson Theme: Jesus is always with us.
In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus talks about natural disasters that are to occur before the end of the world. Seeds’ message for young children is that no matter what happens, Jesus is with us.

For this lesson, you will need scissors, crayons, glue or tape, and a Church Year calendar. We suggest that you send a note to parents encouraging them to look at magazines or children’s picture books with their child, identifying and naming the feelings they find.

Note that a new Church Year begins on Sunday, December 1. Now is the time to order a new Church Year calendar to use in your classroom or home. Find one here.

Teaching Guide
Parent Teaching Pages
The Gospel at Home
Weekly Review Template
Word of the Week
Seasonal Resources
Gospel Reflection and Saint of the Week with Miss Heidi
Kid-Sized Lessons on the Sunday Gospel with Mrs. Cole (Bible Bag)

Lesson Theme: We can trust God.
For this lesson, you will need drawing paper, crayons, a Church Year calendar, and copies of the story coloring page (one per child).

Sunday’s Gospel is about the natural disasters that will precede the end of the world and our need to be ready for when Jesus returns. These themes are incomprehensible to the young child, so Promise focuses on helping the children recognize sad and happy feelings, worries, and fears. The modified Gospel teaches them that God is always with them—when they are sad, happy, mad, proud, lonely, scared—all the time, every day, and every night. The children will help with the Gospel by saying Jesus’ part: “God is with you.”

Note that a new Church Year begins on Sunday, December 1. Now is the time to order a new Church Year calendar to use in your classroom or home. Find one here.

Teaching Guide
Parent Teaching Pages
The Gospel at Home
Weekly Review Template
Online Assessment
Word of the Week
Seasonal Resources
Gospel Reflection and Saint of the Week with Miss Heidi
Kid-Sized Lessons on the Sunday Gospel with Mrs. Cole (Bible Bag)

Good News
Lesson Theme: Jesus gives us hope.
Gather crayons, pencils, drawing paper, Bibles (one per child or pair of children), and a Church Year calendar.

The first lines of Sunday’s Gospel can be frightening for children. The Good News lesson will help the children identify some of their fears and worries and recognize that they can bring them to God in prayer. The Gospel in the Good News lesson focuses on the hopeful messages of Jesus’ Second Coming, God’s faithfulness through trials, and the promise of Heaven for those who have faith in God and make loving choices.

The topic of death comes up in this lesson. Give the children time to talk about their experiences of the death of a loved one or a beloved pet. Be extra sensitive if any of the children have been through a recent loss. Some adults may think that children this age need to be shielded from the reality of death. Death is a natural part of life, and our faith provides hope in the face of the hard reality of physical death. We need only to look at Christ on the crucifix, which is displayed prominently in our classrooms and churches. It is through his Death and Resurrection that we are promised an eternal home in Heaven.

Note that a new Church Year begins on Sunday, December 1. Now is the time to order a new Church Year calendar to use in your classroom or home. Find one here.

Teaching Guide
Parent Teaching Pages
The Gospel at Home
Weekly Review Template
Online Assessment
Seasonal Resources

Lesson Theme: Jesus is our hope.
For this lesson, you will need markers, crayons, or colored pencils; pens or pencils; drawing paper, tape, Bibles (one per child), and a Liturgical Year calendar.

Explain that we are coming to the end of the year in the Church. People feared the end of time. Ask: What do you fear? Encourage sharing through the opening activity, but do not push anyone to share their fears.

Remind the children that the Church celebrates the World Day of the Poor this Sunday, the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. Ask: How can you help people who are poor? You might come prepared to share information about some of the ways your parish outreach ministry helps those in need in your community and beyond.

Teaching Guide
Parent Teaching Pages
The Gospel at Home
Weekly Review Template
Online Assessment
Seasonal Resources
How Are We Going to Be Resurrected?
What Is the World Day of the Poor?
Pope Francis Celebrates World Day of the Poor

Lesson Theme: Jesus will come in glory.
For this lesson, gather pens or pencils, markers or colored pencils, and Bibles (one per student). You may wish to find a recording of “Song of Peace” (based on Finlandia by Jean Sibelius) to share as part of the Closing Prayer on page 8. Use this link to a video recording of this song sung by a group of eighth graders from Waldorfschule Karl Schubert in Graz, Austria.

Explain to the students that we are coming to the end of the year in the Church. Time is one of our greatest gifts. Ask the young people to consider the question on this week’s cover: What would they do if time was running out and the Second Coming was upon us? Remind the students that the Church celebrates the World Day of the Poor this Sunday, the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. How can they help?

Thanksgiving is celebrated next week on Thursday, November 28. It is a special time to give thanks, but we may share our gratitude in prayer at any time. Especially note this week’s doctrine lesson in the Catechism handbooks; the young people will study the six forms of prayer. Make sure to reserve ample time for the students to learn each form together.

Teaching Guide
Parent Teaching Pages
The Gospel at Home
Weekly Review Template
Online Assessment
Seasonal Resources
What Is the World Day of the Poor?
Pope Francis Celebrates World Day of the Poor

Image credit: © USCCB

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