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Lent has come to an end, and we celebrate Easter with joyful hearts! We again sing, “Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!” (One just isn’t enough.) The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most important truth of the Catholic faith. It’s the crowning event of the Paschal Mystery of Christ’s suffering, Death, and Resurrection. It’s the promise that gives us hope and encouragement in our daily struggles. It reminds us that light follows darkness, spring follows winter, and eternal life follows death. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Many schools and parish programs have spring break during Holy Week or the week following Easter. Parish programs that meet on Sundays usually don’t meet on Easter Sunday. For these reasons, the Gospel Weeklies lesson covers two Sundays—Easter Sunday and the Second Sunday of Easter. If your school or parish is in session for both weeks, see the Teaching Guide for suggestions for using this one combined student lesson over the two weeks.
Every week in the GROW newsletter, you will find helpful tips for teaching your Gospel Weeklies lesson, a reflection on the Sunday Gospel, and information about our online resources and seasonal activities. Here are tips for teaching the Gospel Weeklies lessons this week:
Videos of Sunday’s Gospel
Use these videos as you discuss today’s Gospel. Please preview all videos you plan to share with your class:
Easter Sunday
God’s Story: Easter
Holy Heroes: Easter Sunday
2nd Sunday of Easter
John 20:19–31
Thomas Believes
Holy Heroes
Divine Mercy Sunday Explained
What Is Divine Mercy Sunday?
Divine Mercy Sunday (Second Sunday of Easter)
Lesson Theme: Jesus is risen.
For this lesson, you will need scissors, crayons, bells (optional), a plastic Easter egg, and a Church Year calendar.
For the folding activity on page 2, there are small numbers in the four corners indicating the order in which they should be unfolded as you read again the words of the rebus Easter proclamation.
During the doctrine section of the lesson (gold box in the Teaching Guide), we recommend that you go over as many (few) images on pages 26–27 of their Catechism handbooks as you can cover while the children are still engaged.
The correct page number for the bonus Annunciation activity is TG4-36.
Teaching Guide
Parent Teaching Pages
Parent/Grandparent Assistance for Home Study
Extending Activities
The Gospel at Home
Weekly Review Template
Word of the Week
Seasonal Resources
Easter Sunday
Gospel Reflection and Saint of the Week with Miss Heidi
Bible Bag: Kid-Sized Lessons on the Sunday Gospel with Mrs. Cole
2nd Sunday of Easter (Sunday of Divine Mercy)
Gospel Reflection and Saint of the Week with Miss Heidi
Bible Bag: Kid-Sized Lessons on the Sunday Gospel with Mrs. Cole
Lesson Theme: Jesus is risen!
For this lesson, gather pencils; crayons; scissors; dowel rods, clothes hangers, rulers, pencils, or paint stirrers; fishing line; drawing paper; copies of the story coloring page (one per child); and a Church year calendar. We suggest that you separate pages 1–2 from 3–4 in advance.
For the Alleluia Butterflies activity (pages 3–4), you may wish to arrange for an aide or aides to assist. Note that the Teaching Guide offers options for how the children cut out the butterflies. Children who are less adept with scissors may leave the butterflies within the rectangle shapes. Those children who are more skilled with scissors may cut around the butterfly shapes.
Teaching Guide
Parent Teaching Pages
Parent/Grandparent Assistance for Home Study
Extending Activities
The Gospel at Home
Weekly Review Template
Lesson Assessment
Word of the Week
Seasonal Resources
Easter Sunday
Gospel Reflection and Saint of the Week with Miss Heidi
Bible Bag: Kid-Sized Lessons on the Sunday Gospel with Mrs. Cole
2nd Sunday of Easter (Sunday of Divine Mercy)
Gospel Reflection and Saint of the Week with Miss Heidi
Bible Bag: Kid-Sized Lessons on the Sunday Gospel with Mrs. Cole
Good News
Lesson Theme: God raised Jesus to new life.
Those who have the longer class sessions should plan for a nature walk as part of this lesson. The children will enjoy observing all the new life in nature. Plan for additional adults to accompany the class on this nature walk and get appropriate permission as needed. If a nature walk is not possible, the Teaching Guide offers a Stretch and Pretend activity instead.
You will need to supply drawing paper and crayons on which the children will draw Jesus’ Resurrection on Easter morning within the shape of a big Easter egg.
Teaching Guide
Parent Teaching Pages
Parent/Grandparent Assistance for Home Study
The Gospel at Home
Weekly Review Template
Lesson Assessment
Seasonal Resources
Lesson Theme: Jesus rises from the dead.
Ask the students if they saw any children being baptized at your parish’s Easter Vigil. Invite students who were present at the Easter Vigil Mass to share what they saw and experienced.
Make sure the children understand that their Lenten commitments don’t have to end at Easter. Encourage them to continue these practices throughout the Easter season and beyond.
You will find a version of “O Sons and Daughters” for the Closing Prayer here.
Teaching Guide
Parent Teaching Pages
Parent/Grandparent Assistance for Home Study
The Gospel at Home
Weekly Review Template
Lesson Assessment
Seasonal Resources
The Commons: “Ye Sons and Daughters” – Josh Blakesley
Lesson Theme: Jesus rises from the dead.
The Gospel in this lesson (pages 4–5) includes the Easter Sunday Gospel, the Gospel for the Second Sunday of Easter, and the verses about Mary Magdalene meeting the Risen Jesus that come between them. Since this text is longer than a typical Sunday Gospel Reading, go to a large open space to act it out. Direct the students to move from one corner to the next with each new scene.
If possible, bring a bowl of newly blessed holy water to use during your Closing Prayer.
Teaching Guide
Parent Teaching Pages
Parent/Grandparent Assistance for Home Study
The Gospel at Home
Weekly Review Template
Lesson Assessment
Seasonal Resources
“Easter Alleluia”
Image credit: Franklin/