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SUNDAY’S GOSPEL—July 16, 2023 – 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

SUNDAY’S GOSPEL—July 16, 2023 – 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

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Matthew 13:1–23

“Blessed are your eyes, because they see, and your ears, because they hear.” –Matthew 13:16

For Children
     Gospel Reflection and Saint of the Week with Miss Heidi
     Bible Bag: Kid-Sized Lessons on the Sunday Gospel with Mrs. Cole (Note: The Sunday and Gospel are correct. Don’t let the 2020 date confuse you.)

For Adults
It’s no wonder the Parable of the Sower left the disciples mystified. It’s a crazy story! The sower is a wild man. Instead of plowing fertile ground and responsibly planting it like a normal farmer, he wanders down an unlikely path and throws seed in the most random way imaginable. Fistfuls of seed land behind him on the path, on rocks to the right and thorns to the left. Only by accident does any seed wind up on soil that can be expected to produce a yield. If the sower worked for me, he’d be fired before the end of the day.

What’s most confounding about this parable is that Jesus doesn’t tell us not to be like this careless farmer. Instead, Jesus compares himself to the sower! Apparently, it’s his will that the Gospel be shared not only in cathedrals, but also in prisons and back alleys and casinos and boardrooms. The Gospel is a capricious seed!

Are you free with your sprinkling of the Gospel seed?
To what unlikely places have you taken this news?

LET US PRAY… We praise you, Source of Love, for the generous gift you’ve made to us in Creation. We thank you for the beauty of nature, the warmth of friendship, the responsibility of family, and the goodness of our labor. Help us to see this world as charged with your grace and to protect what you have planted. Amen.

While The Gospel at Home takes a break in the summer months, we’ll be drawing our weekly reflections from Exploring the Sunday Readings.

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One Response to “SUNDAY’S GOSPEL—July 16, 2023 – 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time”

  • Barbara / Reply

    Such a beautiful and perceptive reflection on the story of the sower and the mission Christ has entrusted to us.
    I love the prayer too and its message of care and love for the earth and one another. Thank you!

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