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“Whatever place does not welcome you, . . . leave there and shake the dust off your feet.” –Mark 6:11
Even when you bring good news, some people don’t want it. A local school district decided to offer a cafeteria lunch that was healthy and free of processed foods. Kids threw it out by the trayful and opted to eat junk from outside vending machines. We can forgive children for not recognizing a good thing that’s handed to them. But what excuse can we give for ourselves?
Sunday after Sunday, the Word of God is flung into the assembly like so many precious jewels. But it’s often received like “pearls before swine,” as Jesus says (Matthew 7:6). No matter what the Gospel proclaims, some of us are never going to forgive a past injury. Despite every prophet’s warning, we’re not going to share our wealth or ease injustice. Saint Paul can yammer on about the need for unity, but we’re keeping our distance. Scripture isn’t magic. The Word has to become flesh.
What are some of the take-home lessons from Scripture that you’ve made part of your life?
Image credit: Good News Productions International and College Press Publishing