#1 Gospel Weeklies Basic Training / Entrenamiemto Básico: Access the recordings here (English, Español).
#2 Family Catechesis / Catequesis familiar: Access the recordings here (English, Español).
#3 Website Tour (English) Spanish is coming soon!
Get a jump on the fall and the most out of the Gospel Weeklies 2022–23! Join Matt Lekan, Jen Miller, Chris Adams, and Luisa Negret as they host our Summer Training Webinar Series where you will learn:
- Best practices for teaching the Gospel Weeklies
- Enhance your program with liturgical catechesis
- Gospel Weeklies essentials and methodology
- How to use the Weeklies within your family catechesis model
- Practical tips to help catechists, parents, and students get the most out of the program
- How to navigate and get the most out of the Gospel Weeklies website
Watch your email inbox and future GROW posts for links to register about a week before each webinar. Mark your calendars now!
Image credit: © Bayard, Inc.
Thank you! I look forward to this series.
How can I get our catechists to register for the training? We use Pflaum Gospel Weeklies.
Julia: Glad you’re interested! You will receive an email about a week before each webinar segment. This will give you a registration link that you can share with your catechists. We will update this GROW post with registration links as we receive them too.
Thank you for the trainings!
I am considering implementing the Gospel Weeklies in Spanish this year in our Religious Education.
Great to hear it!
Some of my catechists are unable to join the webinar live. Will it be recorded and accessible after?
Lorraine, the webinars will be recorded and posted on our website. Find all of our recorded webinars here. We will also add a link to the recordings on the GROW blog post about the webinar series.
Este será mi segundo año trabajando con su material, me parece muy bueno y sencillo para que los niños entiendan y trabajen con el
¡Nos da muchísimo gusto! Estamos a sus órdenes.