When parents bring a baby home from the hospital, especially their first child, they are in for a wild and wonderful ride, but they can’t anticipate all the twists, turns, and bumps awaiting them.
The same is true of our Christian journey. We hope our final destination will be Heaven, but we don’t know what challenges and blessings, valleys and hilltops, are ahead of us on our path. Jesus assures us that he is “the way, the truth, and the life.” If we keep our eyes on him, we can be assured of our destination. That’s pretty good advice for mothers (and fathers) too—keep your eyes on Jesus.
Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms—biological, adoptive, foster, and spiritual—out there! May our Mother Mary continue to intercede for you and your families! And let’s remember in prayer those who long to experience motherhood as well!
Mother’s Day might also bring a tear or two as we recall the memories of dear mothers who are no longer with us or those we have not seen in many months or even years. Wherever we are this Mother’s Day, we can be comforted and uplifted by the thought of the one beautiful Mother, standing by the Cross of her son, accepting her role as mother of us all. How can we best honor our moms? By listening to the words of our heavenly Mother, who tells us, “Do whatever he tells you” (John 2:5).
We invite you to enjoy and pray with “A Mother’s Communion” song by Danielle Rose. You might listen to it from the perspective of Mary, yourself, or a pregnant woman who has chosen life for her child.
This Monday, May 13, is the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima. Explore and enjoy these resources from Catechist.com and CatholicDigest.com:
- Five Lessons from Fatima
- Our Lady of Fatima Inspires Us: Children ARE Ready for the Faith
- Catholic IQ: Mary, Our Lady of Fatima
- The Heart of the Message of Fatima
- Mary links for research and for fun: The Mary page, word search, and coloring page
- Our Lady of Fatima at the Movies
- Gratia Plena, sung by Andrea Bocelli (from the soundtrack of “Fatima”)
- FATIMA through the eyes of the shepherd children
- At Fatima, God changed the sun so we would change the world
- Quiet Moment – The message of Fatima is…
- Is Fatima worthy of belief?
- Living the Message of Fatima 100 Years Later
- 100 years ago, Our Lady of Fatima showed us how to teach about hell
- Finding New Meaning in the Rosary
- The Power of Our Praying Mom: Mary
- 100 Years Ago, Our Lady Taught Children About Penance
Image credit: Wilson Tamayo/cathopic.com