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In Sunday’s Gospel, a dear friend of Jesus has died. When Jesus learns about Lazarus’s death, he weeps in sorrow. We see Jesus’ power and the glory of God when Jesus raises Lazarus from death. Lazarus will die again someday; his resuscitation is different than Jesus’ Resurrection to eternal life. On Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion, we will be hearing Matthew’s account of Jesus’ Passion and Death. We will hear John’s account of these events on Good Friday.
Talking with children about death can be tricky if we let our own fears or discomfort with the topic get in the way. But death is a natural part of all life, and children need our help to navigate the feelings and questions that come with the death of a loved one. Carole Eipers has written a booklet How to Talk to Children About Death in which she offers simple information for adults, practical guidance for talking to children about death, and suggestions for activities and prayers. She addresses these questions with sensitivity and through the perspective of our Catholic faith: What does death mean? How do we experience loss? What can we do when someone is dying? Why do people die? What happens when people die? What’s a funeral? How can we remember people who have died? Should I be afraid? What does Jesus say about dying? How do we go on living after a death? Additional guidance for talking with children about death can be found on the website of the Catholic Cemeteries of the Archdiocese of Omaha.
Let us pray: Jesus, Good Shepherd, you care for us. We are sad when someone dies. But you promise we will all live in Heaven with you one day. We pray that all who die will enjoy Heaven forever. Amen.
Every week in the GROW newsletter, you will find helpful tips for teaching your Gospel Weeklies lesson, a reflection on the Sunday Gospel, and links to online resources.
Videos of Sunday’s Gospel
Use these videos as you discuss today’s Gospel. Please preview all videos you plan to share with your class:
Holy Heroes
Gospel Reading and Reflection for Kids
Sunday Gospel Cartoon Reading and Lesson
The Death and Resurrection of Lazarus
Biblemations John 11: The Death of Lazarus
Raising of Lazarus
Lazarus, Come Out!
10 Fun Things You Might Not Know About Lent
Lent in 60 Seconds. With LEGO!
Lent: Catholic Central
Lent in 3 Minutes
Cardinal Timothy Dolan: What Is Lent?
What Is Lent?
Faith, Fun, and Celebration: Lent Episode (featuring John Burland)
Songs to Journey with Jesus During Lent, Featuring Miss Heidi and John Burland
The Stations of the Cross with Bishop Barron (Show one or two stations at a time.)
Stations of the Cross
Lesson Theme: Jesus has friends.
For this lesson, you will need crayons, pencils, scissors, small envelopes, a Bible, copies of the story coloring page (one per child), and a Church year calendar. We suggest that you separate pages 1–2 from 3–4 in advance.
Lazarus’s death and return to life is a foreshadowing of Jesus’ own Resurrection. Young children will not be able to grasp this meaning, but they will be able to identify the feelings of Martha, Mary, and Jesus and recognize them as feelings they experience in their lives. This week, the children will play a memory game. You may wish to cut the cards on pages 3 and 4 in advance.
Teaching Guide
Parent Teaching Pages
Parent/Grandparent Assistance for Home Study
Extending Activities
The Gospel at Home
Weekly Review Template
Word of the Week
Seasonal Resources
Bible Bag: Kid-Sized Lessons on the Sunday Gospel with Mrs. Cole
Gospel Reflection and Saint of the Week with Miss Heidi
Lesson Theme: Jesus cares about his friends.
For this lesson, you will need crayons, scissors, glue sticks, copies of the story coloring page (one per child), and a Church Year calendar. We suggest that you separate pages 1–2 from 3–4 in advance.
Sunday’s Gospel reveals that Jesus felt great sadness at the death of his friend Lazarus. Promise children will be invited to identify all feelings as gifts from God. Recognizing that Jesus had human feelings will lead the children to recognize that they can share all their feelings with God in prayer. You will help them to make realistic and specific promises to Jesus about where and when they will pray. Plan to ask how they are following through with their prayer commitments in your upcoming sessions.
Teaching Guide
Parent Teaching Pages
Parent/Grandparent Assistance for Home Study
The Gospel at Home
Weekly Review Template
Online Assessment
Word of the Week
Seasonal Resources
Bible Bag: Kid-Sized Lessons on the Sunday Gospel with Mrs. Cole
Gospel Reflection and Saint of the Week with Miss Heidi
Good News
Lesson Theme: We believe that Jesus brings new life.
For this lesson, you will need pencils, scissors, tape, Bibles (one per pair of children), and a Church Year calendar.
Sunday’s Gospel reveals that Jesus felt great sadness at the death of his friend Lazarus. Death is a difficult topic for people of any age. The death of a pet is introduced in the story, “A Sad Time for Peter.” Be especially sensitive to those children who have had recent losses of loved ones or beloved pets.
Following the story, we encourage you to discuss what happens when people die. Discipline yourself to listen to the children’s questions and to the answers they give you before attempting a response. Death and resurrection are big mysteries of our faith as well as our physical lives. Give the children an opportunity to talk about these topics. Your faith in the Resurrection will nourish the children’s faith even if you think your answers are not theologically sophisticated. Find a list of points to make on page TG4-14 of your Teaching Guide.
What Lent Means to Us / Significado de la Cuaresma is a seasonal resource you may wish to use this Lent. The children will classify different actions as Praying, Sharing (almsgiving), or Fasting.
Teaching Guide
Parent Teaching Pages
Parent/Grandparent Assistance for Home Study
The Gospel at Home
Weekly Review Template
Online Assessment
Seasonal Resources
Lesson Theme: Baptism celebrates our Easter faith.
Last week, the children heard the story of the man born blind. This is a miracle story. This Sunday, we hear another miracle story—the raising of Lazarus from the tomb. Share with the children that Lazarus and his sisters, Martha and Mary, are Jesus’ good friends. Ask the children: What risks would you take for a friend? Make sure that the children understand that this isn’t meant to be a dare or dangerous. Instead, ask them to consider the risks they might take to be compassionate, to stand up for others, or to include the outsider. The children will have the opportunity to discuss “risky” real-life scenarios. Before class, make sure to try out the folding activity on the cover; don’t glue or staple the cover, as you will need to read the story on pages 2–3.
Teaching Guide
Parent Teaching Pages
Parent/Grandparent Assistance for Home Study
The Gospel at Home
Weekly Review Template
Online Assessment
Seasonal Resources
Holocaust Remembrance: Honor the Victims
Grey Nuns of Montreal to redevelop Youville Mother House, shed light on history
Lesson Theme: Who gives us life?
Last week, the young people heard the story of the man born blind. This is a miracle story. This Sunday, we hear another miracle story—the raising of Lazarus from the tomb. Share with the young people that Lazarus and his sisters, Martha and Mary, are Jesus’ good friends. Encourage a discussion of friendship after the young people complete the “Friends and Feelings” survey on the cover of this week’s lesson. Share with the young people that Jesus risked his life to return to Bethany when he hears that his friend Lazarus is sick and close to death. Ask the young people what they “risk” for their friends. This is not to encourage risky or dangerous behavior. It’s more about social risks—being loyal and caring to friends, or perhaps welcoming people as friends who might otherwise be outsiders. Remember lined paper.
Teaching Guide
Parent Teaching Pages
Parent/Grandparent Assistance for Home Study
The Gospel at Home
Weekly Review Template
Online Assessment
Seasonal Resources
Computer Geek Carlo Acutis to be Beatified
Carlo Acutis: Fifteen-year-old computer scientist declared venerable by pope
Image credit: Drobot Dean/