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This week, we observe National Marriage Week and World Marriage Day, which coincide with the feast of Saint Valentine. We also celebrate the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, which coincides with the World Day of the Sick.
We ask Our Lady of Lourdes to cover with her mantle all who need healing of relationship, body, mind, or spirit and to intercede for us to her son, Jesus. Amen.
Every week in the GROW newsletter, you will find helpful tips for teaching your Gospel Weeklies lesson, a reflection on the Sunday Gospel, and links to many online resources.
Videos of the Sunday Gospel (Luke 5:1–11)
Use these videos as you discuss the Sunday Gospel. Please preview all videos you plan to share with your class:
• Holy Heroes
• Jesus Calls His First Disciples (with Legos): Luke 5
• Luke 5:1–11
• Gospel Reading and Reflection for Kids
Jubilee 2025: Pilgrims of Hope Resources
• Jubilee 2025 activities, handouts, resources, and more
Lesson Theme: Jesus wants us to follow him.
For this lesson, you will need pencils, crayons, stapler or tape, scissors, an image of Pope Francis, and a Church Year calendar. To take the lesson beyond the classroom and into the home, we suggest you send a note to families inviting them to draw pictures of one another on small pieces of paper. Then, instruct them to tell the good news about how each family member follows Jesus’ way as they put the drawings one by one in the boat full of fish that their child has brought home.
Teaching Guide
Parent Teaching Pages
Extending Activities
The Gospel at Home
Weekly Review Template
Word of the Week
Seasonal Resources
• Gospel Reflections and Saint of the Week with Miss Heidi
• Kid-Sized Lessons on the Sunday Gospel with Mrs. Cole (Bible Bag)
• All That God Wants You to Be
Lesson Theme: Jesus calls us to follow him.
Materials you will need for this class include a Church Year calendar, drawing paper, crayons, scissors, tape, single hole punch, yarn or string (three lengths per child), and coat hangers, pencils, or paint stirrers (one per child). You may also wish to enlist the help of an aide for the mobile activity. Note that hardware stores that carry paint are generally willing to provide wooden paint stirrers, which can be used for mobiles. If the mobile activity will take too much time to complete within your class session, you may wish to have the children complete it at home with their families.
Teaching Guide
Parent Teaching Pages
Extending Activities
The Gospel at Home
Weekly Review Template
Lesson Assessment
Word of the Week
Seasonal Resources
• Gospel Reflections and Saint of the Week with Miss Heidi
• Kid-Sized Lessons on the Sunday Gospel with Mrs. Cole (Bible Bag)
• All That God Wants You to Be
Good News
Lesson Theme: The Church shares the mission of Jesus.
Plan ahead for this lesson by preparing and gathering these materials: drawing of a net on large paper or poster board, scissors, crayons pencils, drawing paper, old parish bulletins, missionary information, globe or world map, a Church Year calendar, and pushpins, tape, or glue sticks.
You may wish to invite a member of your parish who has served as a missionary to share about their experience with your class.
Teaching Guide
Parent Teaching Pages
The Gospel at Home
Weekly Review Template
Lesson Assessment
Seasonal Resources
• All That God Wants You to Be
Lesson Theme: Jesus calls us to follow him.
For this lesson, gather these supplies: pens or pencils, scissors, tape, colored pencils or markers, and a Liturgical Year calendar. We suggest that you prepare a sample of the Church Time Line (pages 6–7) in advance. Find a photo of a completed time line and directions for assembly here.
God calls each one of us to a special purpose, a vocation. Our vocation may be clear from childhood, or it may take longer to find. Disciples, saints, and other holy people give us examples of how to seek our vocations and live them well.
Emphasize this week’s Catholic Faith Word—Sacred Tradition—so that the children may begin to understand that the Gospel is meant for them today as it has been for Christians since the Apostles received it two millennia ago.
Teaching Guide
Parent Teaching Pages
The Gospel at Home
Weekly Review Template
Lesson Assessment
Seasonal Resources
• Building Your Faith
• Vocations
• Vocation 101
• Robert de Nobili (We suggest you turn on subtitles/captioning.)
Lesson Theme: Jesus calls his followers.
For this lesson, gather these supplies: Bibles (one per student), pencils or pens, notebook paper, and copies of the Closing Prayer for vocations (see page TG3-19).
God calls each one of us to a special purpose, a vocation. Our vocation may be clear from childhood, or it may take longer to find. Connecting our talents with a vocation can be a challenge—for example, how can being a good friend or a good listener translate into a vocation? In your discussion after completing the cover activity, be certain to emphasize that everyone has gifts, and everyone has a vocation. Every person is a valuable and necessary member of the Body of Christ!
Teaching Guide
Parent Teaching Pages
The Gospel at Home
Weekly Review Template
Lesson Assessment
Seasonal Resources
• Vocation 101
• The Baptismal Call | Lord, Teach Us to Pray
• Father Stan Jaszek
• Dr. Paul Farmer
• Sister M. Xavier Schulze (Perhaps select a segment of this video.)