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This week as we celebrate the Fourth Sunday of Advent, Luke describes the story of the Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth, her cousin. When the angel Gabriel told Mary that her older cousin was expecting a baby, she rushed to a town of Judah to help. Luke recounts that as soon as Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, her baby, John the Baptist, leaped in her womb and she (and the child) were filled with the Holy Spirit.
Over the years, I have heard many beautiful reflections about this passage, but there is one that I would like to share. John the Baptist, who would grow up to be the precursor of Jesus, the long-awaited Messiah, received the Holy Spirit within his mother’s womb. In the same way, the womb of a family is the ideal place for a child to start his or her journey of faith. It is within the womb of a family that we learn, increase, and live our Catholic faith.
Loving God, thank you for giving us the blessing of helping the families in our parishes to nourish their children’s faith as we support their role as primary catechists. May all of us be open to receiving your Son, Jesus, in our hearts this Christmas. Amen.
Every week in the GROW newsletter, you will find helpful tips for teaching your Gospel Weeklies lesson, a reflection on the Sunday Gospel, and links to online resources.
Videos of Sunday’s Gospel (Luke 1:39–45)
Use these videos as you discuss today’s Gospel. Please preview to make sure the videos are appropriate for your group:
• Mary Visits Elizabeth (Luke 1:39–45)
• Mary Visits Elizabeth
• Gospel Reading and Reflection for Kids
• Holy Heroes
Advent Videos
• A Journey Through Advent with Miss Heidi and John Burland
• Liturgical Calendar: Saints and Seasons with Shannon
• Advent in 2 Minutes
• What Is an Advent Wreath?
• Find the Perfect Gift
Jubilee 2025: Pilgrims of Hope Resources
• Jubilee 2025 activities, handouts, resources, and more
Lesson Theme: Mary is the Mother of God.
For this lesson, you will need an Advent wreath, the paper Advent wreath from 12/1, crayons, scissors, glue, copies of the story coloring page (one per child), and a Church Year calendar. Suggest that the children share the Christmas story with their families using the ornaments they glued on the Christmas tree. Encourage the children to practice the short prayer, “Mary, Mother of God, pray for me,” and pray it regularly.
NOTE: If you do not meet with your class next week, please send home the Seeds lesson for December 25 & January 5 for the children to complete over the Christmas break with their families. You may also wish to send home copies of the Parent Teaching Pages.
Teaching Guide
Parent Teaching Pages
Extending Activities
The Gospel at Home
Weekly Review Template
Word of the Week
Seasonal Resources
• Gospel Reflection and Saint of the Week with Miss Heidi
• Kid-Sized Lessons on the Sunday Gospel with Mrs. Cole (Bible Bag)
• Advent Wreath
Lesson Theme: We are ready to welcome Jesus.
For this lesson, gather crayons, pencils, an Advent wreath, a Church Year calendar, and the Advent calendar from the 12/1 lesson. You may wish to enlist the help of an aide or aides to help with the page 4 activity.
This lesson includes the Hail Mary on page 4. Encourage the children to practice this prayer at home until they can pray it from memory. Suggest that the children share with their families what they learn in this lesson about who said the first sentences of this prayer to Mary.
NOTE: If you do not meet with your class next week, please send home the Promise lesson for December 25 & January 5 for the children to complete over the Christmas break with their families. You may also wish to send home copies of the Parent Teaching Pages.
Teaching Guide
Parent Teaching Pages
Extending Activities
The Gospel at Home
Weekly Review Template
Online Assessment
Word of the Week
Seasonal Resources
• Gospel Reflection and Saint of the Week with Miss Heidi
• Kid-Sized Lessons on the Sunday Gospel with Mrs. Cole (Bible Bag)
• Advent Wreath
Good News
Lesson Theme: Mary leads us to Jesus.
Materials you will need for this lesson include a Nativity scene (or image), an image or statue of Saint Francis of Assisi, pencils, scissors, dice, Bibles (one per child), an Advent wreath, and a Church Year calendar.
As you note some of the feasts of Mary, you may wish to point out the dates on your Church Year calendar. In addition to those you will find on page TG2-27 of your Teaching Guide, you may wish to include the celebration of her birth on September 8 and of her Assumption into Heaven on August 15. Make sure the children understand that we honor Mary because of her special relationship with Jesus. We worship Jesus as God and celebrate him every day of the year!
The second quotation from the Catechism of the Catholic Church on Teaching Guide, page TG2-24 is noted as #509. The correct number is 717.
NOTE: If you do not meet with your class next week, please send home the Good News lesson for December 25 & January 2 for the children to complete over the Christmas break with their families. You may also wish to send home copies of the Parent Teaching Pages.
Teaching Guide
Parent Teaching Pages
The Gospel at Home
Weekly Review Template
Online Assessment
Seasonal Resources
• Advent Wreath
• What Is the Symbolism of the Advent Wreath?
Lesson Theme: Mary trusts God.
For this lesson, gather pens or pencils, crayons or markers, Bibles and rosaries (one each per child), an Advent wreath, and a Liturgical Year calendar.
This Sunday, we focus on Mary, the Mother of God. Mary is our model of faith. This is a good time to introduce Marian prayers in your regular class routine if you have not already done so. Note the “Our Catholic Faith” feature about the Sign of Peace. Encourage the children to pay special attention to this part of the Mass and its history. Ask them why they think we offer peace to our neighbors immediately after we pray the Lord’s Prayer. Invite them to find examples in the words of this prayer.
Plan Ahead: Will you meet the week of January 5? If not, send home next week’s lesson with the children. You may also wish to send home copies of the Parent Teaching Pages.
Teaching Guide
Parent Teaching Pages
The Gospel at Home
Weekly Review Template
Online Assessment
Seasonal Resources
• What Is the Symbolism of the Advent Wreath?
• The Meaning of the Advent Wreath
• St. Stephen
Lesson Theme: Mary teaches us to trust.
Refer to the cover of the December 1 lesson for this week’s opening prayer mantra: “I believe your promises, God.”
A note about the cover activities in Visions: They are typically intended to introduce the Sunday Gospel message. They may be used to generate group discussion or as a pacing activity. For example, you may direct the young people to work on this week’s crossword puzzle until all the students arrive for class.
This Sunday’s Gospel is the story of the Visitation. Ask: With whom do you choose to share your good news? Mary chose her cousin Elizabeth, the mother of Jesus’ cousin, John the Baptist.
Plan Ahead: Will you meet again before Epiphany? If not, send home the next lesson with the students so that they may explore the Christmas and Epiphany readings and activities with their families. You may also wish to send home copies of the Parent Teaching Pages.
Teaching Guide
Parent Teaching Pages
The Gospel at Home
Weekly Review Template
Online Assessment
Seasonal Resources
• What Is the Symbolism of the Advent Wreath?
• The Meaning of the Advent Wreath
• Nativity Scenes from Around the World
Image credit: © 2020 by Jon P. McKamey