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As he did 2,000 years ago, the Risen Jesus now says to us: “You are witnesses of this” (Luke 24, 48). This call to evangelize is part of our Christian identity. But how can we be good witnesses? Pope Benedict XVI said in one of his audiences: “We can be witnesses only if we know Christ at first hand, and not only through others, from our own life, from our personal encounter with him. By truly encountering him in our life of faith, we become witnesses and can contribute to the newness of the world, to eternal life.” To live with a sense of mission presupposes having a heart that has fallen in love with Jesus, is a friend of the Risen Jesus, and meets him in the bread and in the Word.
With the awareness of such an important mission, we want to do the same as those first Christians: we turn to Mary, Queen of the Apostles, to help us become announcers of the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Every week in the GROW newsletter, you will find helpful tips for teaching your Gospel Weeklies lesson, a reflection on the Sunday Gospel, and information about our online resources and seasonal activities. Here are tips for teaching the Gospel Weeklies lessons this week:
Videos of Sunday’s Gospel
Use these videos as you discuss today’s Gospel. Please preview all videos you plan to share with your class:
Holy Heroes
Road to Emmaus
The Road to Emmaus
A Modern Dramatization of The Road to Emmaus
Will You Walk with Jesus? – Eucharistic Revival
Lesson Theme: Jesus surprises his friends.
For this lesson, you will need scissors, crayons, markers or colored pencils, an image of Pope Francis, and a Church Year calendar. You might bring in a preschool-friendly fishing pole to enliven the “Going Fishing” story.
This lesson helps you teach about the Pope. Think about how you can share an image of Pope Francis with the children. If you are meeting in person and there is a portrait or picture of Pope Francis in your parish or school, take the children to see it. (Even if they have seen the image many times, it is helpful to point out who the Holy Father is.) Or simply share a photo or image, especially of Pope Francis interacting with children. You can find pictures at the Vatican website.
We suggest that you separate pages 1–2 from 3–4 in the children’s copies of Seeds before class. Make a copy of the booklet in advance to model how it will look when finished.
Teaching Guide
Parent Teaching Pages
Parent/Grandparent Assistance for Home Study
Extending Activities
The Gospel at Home
Weekly Review Template
Word of the Week
Seasonal Resources
Gospel Reflection and Saint of the Week with Miss Heidi
Bible Bag: Kid-Sized Lessons on the Sunday Gospel with Mrs. Cole
Lesson Theme: Jesus brings us peace.
For this lesson, gather scissors, tape, a single hole punch, pencils, drawing paper, crayons, yarn, straws or dowels, copies of the story coloring page, copy of the Holy Week Booklet from the 3/24 lesson, and a Church Year calendar. You may wish to enlist the assistance of an aide or aide(s) to help with the banner activity.
We suggest that you assemble supplies for the “Grandpa Snowbird” story before class. Each child will need drawing paper and one crayon of each color: brown, green, red, and yellow.
For the Peace Banners, it’s helpful to cut lengths of yarn in advance.
Teaching Guide
Parent Teaching Pages
Parent/Grandparent Assistance for Home Study
The Gospel at Home
Weekly Review Template
Lesson Assessment
Word of the Week
Seasonal Resources
Gospel Reflection and Saint of the Week with Miss Heidi
Bible Bag: Kid-Sized Lessons on the Sunday Gospel with Mrs. Cole
Good News
Lesson Theme: Jesus is with us at Mass.
For this lesson, you will need glue, scissors, crayons, pencils, and a Church Year calendar.
This lesson delves into feelings surrounding the death of a pet. We suggest you read “Remembering Buddy” ahead of time for your own preparation. You may wish to light a candle as you read it aloud or perhaps bring a photo of a beloved pet that you have lost. Be aware of the children’s emotions as you read the story. Be especially aware of and respond with care to any child who has experienced the death of a loved one (pet or human).
For the activity on page 4, direct the children to cut out the pictures and place them in the boxes. Caution the children to make sure all the pictures are in the correct boxes before gluing them down.
Teaching Guide
Parent Teaching Pages
Parent/Grandparent Assistance for Home Study
The Gospel at Home
Weekly Review Template
Lesson Assessment
Seasonal Resources
Kids Explain the Holy Eucharist
Lesson Theme: Jesus opens his disciples’ minds.
For the play-drama, cut the red hearts from construction paper ahead of your class meeting.
We also suggest you read the script in advance. By this time in the school year, you know your students well enough to match various personalities to the parts, so feel free to assign roles as you see fit. Or you may invite the students to volunteer for the various roles.
Point out the emotion-charged words and phrases in the italic type, such as “nervously pacing” and “they appear anxious and afraid.” Invite the students to think about how they can use their faces and bodies to convey these actions and emotions. Encourage them to really lean into their roles.
For the questions about missionaries on page 6, be ready with the story or information about the missionaries who shared the Good News with the people of your own background. You may also invite a parish leader or longtime parishioner to tell stories about parish or school history. If that’s not possible, consider asking RCIA catechists from your parish to share stories of how they have shared the Good News with other adults in your local community.
Teaching Guide
Parent Teaching Pages
Parent/Grandparent Assistance for Home Study
The Gospel at Home
Weekly Review Template
Lesson Assessment
Seasonal Resources
Pope: Consider Being a Missionary!
Lesson Theme: God raised the crucified Jesus.
Have Bibles, notebook paper, and pens and pencils ready for the students to complete the cover activity. Encourage them to recall from memory as many key words and messages as they can before checking the Gospel reference. For the “Living the Gospel” activity on pages 6–7, you may wish to divide up the priest parts to give everyone a chance to speak some of these words.
Teaching Guide
Parent Teaching Pages
Parent/Grandparent Assistance for Home Study
The Gospel at Home
Weekly Review Template
Lesson Assessment
Seasonal Resources
The Big 3: Scripture, Tradition, and the Magisterium
Paul’s Missionary Journeys: Acts 13–20
Image credit: Juliana Giletta/