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Christmas: Luke 2:1–14
Epiphany: Matthew 2:1–12
Christmas celebrates God’s becoming one of us and one with us. Jesus comes as an infant, placed in the care of a struggling but loving family. The Feast of the Epiphany, a word that means “manifestation,” celebrates how Jesus was revealed as far more than the king of the Jews. He is revealed as God’s Son. Matthew’s story of the visit of the Magi from the East makes it clear that Jesus came to all people who seek God.
See The Gospel at Home (English and Spanish) for suggested family activities and discussion starters related to this Sunday’s Gospel.
Image credit: Corinne SIMON/CIRIC
Do you have any printable resources for the Epiphany?
Check out these posts and links for resources for the Feast of the Epiphany:
• Blessings for Christmas and Epiphany
• Plan Ahead for Advent and Christmas Resources
• Christmas in January
Christmas Blessings! Joan