February is a short month, and it quickly flies by—even with an extra day this year! Make sure you plan for both Valentine’s Day on 2/14 and Ash Wednesday, also on 2/14. Since Ash Wednesday is a day of fasting and abstinence, you may wish to shift your Valentine’s Day celebration to 2/13, which is also Mardi Gras or Fat Tuesday.
Here are some activities and resources that will help you observe these special days—and the start of Lent. Lent lasts for about six weeks, so we encourage you to plan to start off strong and keep a good pace through the entire season. The joy of Easter will be all the sweeter for your efforts.
Valentine’s Day
Seeds / Semillas: Valentine’s Day / El día de San Valentín
Promise / Promesa: Make a Valentine / Hacer una tarjeta de San Valentín
Good News / Buena Nueva: The Legend of Saint Valentine / La leyenda de San Valentín
Venture / Aventura: Heavenly Valentines / Tarjetas celestiales de San Valentín
Seeds / Semillas: Lent Begins / Comienza la Cuaresma
Promise / Promesa: What Jesus Asks Us to Do in Lent / Lo que Jesús nos pide hacer en la Cuaresma
Good News / Buena Nueva: Let’s Learn About Lent / Aprendamos sobre la Cuaresma
Venture / Aventura: Get Your Lenten Facts Together / Aprende sobre la Cuaresma
Visions / Visiones: What Is Lent All About? / ¿De qué se trata la Cuaresma?
Family-Parents: Lenten Fasting and Abstinence
Family-Parents: A Prayer Service for Ash Wednesday
Family-Parents: Why Ashes on Wednesday?
Image credit: Amor Santo via cathopic.com