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Planning Ahead

Planning Ahead

February 23, 2025 – 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time

February is our shortest month, but some years, it can seem endless. Dreary skies and cold winter temperatures can have a negative effect on our moods and energy. But we are people of hope even in dark days and difficult times! Our daylight hours are slowly increasing each day. Winter will give way to spring. It always has, just as every night gives way to day. As people of faith, we take our cue from the Paschal Mystery of Christ’s suffering and Death being followed by his Resurrection. So chin up and persevere!

Hope is the theme of Jubilee 2025: Pilgrims of Hope. In the Papal Bull for the Jubilee, Pope Francis wrote: “The death and resurrection of Jesus is the heart of our faith and the basis of our hope. . . . For our sake, Jesus experienced the drama of death. The Father’s love raised him in the power of the Spirit and made of his humanity the first fruits of our eternal salvation. Christian hope consists precisely in this: that in facing death, which appears to be the end of everything, we have the certainty that, thanks to the grace of Christ imparted to us in Baptism, ‘life is changed, not ended,’ forever. Buried with Christ in Baptism, we receive in his resurrection the gift of a new life that breaks down the walls of death, making it a passage to eternity” (20).

How will you be a person of hope today? How can the brightness of your smile and spirit help to turn another’s frown upsidedown or lift a gloomy spirit? How can your life reflect hope in the promise of eternal life?

Every week in the GROW newsletter, you will find helpful tips for teaching your Gospel Weeklies lesson, a reflection on the Sunday Gospel, and links to many online resources. […] [READ MORE]

Para la versión en español, haga clic aquí.

February 23, 2025 – 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Luke 6:27–38

Jesus continues his teaching following the Beatitudes. He tells us to love our enemies, pray for those who hurt us, and give […] [READ MORE]

Para la versión en español, haga clic aquí.

Webinar: Understanding the Stages of the OCIA 2/24
Topic: Understanding the Stages of OCIA

Date and Time: Monday, February 24, 2025 • 3:00 p.m. EST […] [READ MORE]

Celebrating Liturgical Feasts and Seasons

There’s always something going on in the Church, whether it’s a feast day or other celebration or we’re in the midst of a special liturgical time. Knowing where we are in the Church/Liturgical Year* will help keep children […] [READ MORE]

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