Most catechists begin each class with a gathering prayer and welcome. During Lent, you may want to add a brief check-in period to see how the children are doing—with school, friends, and their Lenten practices. Encourage the children to review their own progress. Give them some time to reflect on the following: Are you spending more time in prayer? Sharing time to help others? Keeping a commitment to move away from a poor habit? Grade Yourself This Lent / Califícate esta Cuaresma isn’t meant to be a report card; rather, it’s a chance for the children to reflect on how far they’ve come and what they have yet to do. Remind the children that Lent is a journey and that their honest efforts are what matter most.
Good News / Buena Nueva: Let’s Learn About Lent / Aprendamos sobre la Cuaresma
Venture / Aventura: Grade Yourself This Lent / Califícate esta Cuaresma
Venture / Aventura: Answer Your Questions About Lent / Contesta tus preguntas sobre la Cuaresma
Venture / Aventura: Crossword Puzzle for Lent / Crucigrama de la Cuaresma
Visions / Visiones: Analogies for Lent / Analogías para la Cuaresma
Visions / Visiones: Lent: A Time of Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving / Cuaresma: Un tiempo para orar, ayunar y dar limosna
Family-Parents: Lenten Fasting and Abstinence Rules
Family-Parents: Stations of the Cross
Image credit: Frederica Aban/