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Celebrating Women Saints

Learn about two female saints who have ties to this week’s observances of World Day of the Poor (11/15) and Discover Catholic Schools Week (11/15–11/21): Saint Elizabeth of Hungary and […]read more

Catholic Potpourri

When Catholics think of a church that’s associated with the Pope, many automatically think of St. Peter’s Basilica. This is a good answer, but if asked to name the “Pope’s […]read more

Planning Ahead for All Saints’ Day

After the flurry of the first few weeks of class, you may be looking ahead to the Church holy days on the horizon. The Church will celebrate All Saints’ Day […]read more

Growing in Virtue

We’ve likely all been told—and possibly said on occasion—that patience is a virtue. But just what is a virtue? I like the simple definition in the Catechism handbook for Good […]read more

We Are All Called to Sainthood

In times of challenge, looking to saintly models of faithfulness can inspire us. Every saint in Heaven faced life’s challenges with faith. During their earthly lives, they placed their trust […]read more

Saint Francis of Assisi

One of the best-known and well-loved saints is Saint Francis of Assisi. He is the patron saint of animals, archaeologists, ecology, Italy, merchants, messengers, and metal workers. His feast day […]read more

Celebrating the Birth of John the Baptist

On June 24, the Church celebrates the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist. His birth is one of only three that are celebrated in our Church calendar. The other births […]read more

In the Care of Mother Mary

On May 1, the Bishops of the United States joined with the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops to renew the consecration of both nations to the care of Mary, our […]read more

Honoring Mary in May

May is traditionally a month for honoring the Blessed Virgin Mary. This year, the entire month of May is also in the Easter season (Pentecost, the final Sunday of Easter […]read more

Saint Stanislaus, Pray for Us

Although the feast days of saints are not celebrated in the Church’s liturgy during Holy Week, we may always honor the saints and look to them for their intercession and […]read more

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David Dziena

David Dziena is the Publisher of Pflaum Publishing Group. He has also served as Executive Editor and […]

Joan McKamey
Project Editor

Joan McKamey, project editor, joined the Gospel Weeklies editorial team in September 2016. […]

Erika De Urquidi
Bilingual Editor

Erika De Urquidi, bilingual editor, joined Bayard, Inc. in July 2018. During her 15 years as a professional translator […]