FROM OUR EDITORS—Sunday, June 11 • Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
“God so loved the world…” are the first five words of this Sunday’s Gospel. This reading is a summary of the entire Gospel—the Good News of Jesus Christ. If we […]read more
FROM OUR EDITORS—Sunday, June 4 Pentecost Sunday
Pentecost! What a difference that one day, that single event, made in the life of the Church! Without the Spirit, the Apostles would have remained confused and fearful men. With […]read more
FROM OUR EDITORS—GROW for Sunday, May 28 Ascension of the Lord
“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations…teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you” is Jesus’ command to his disciples in this Sunday’s Gospel. This is our […]read more
FROM OUR EDITORS—Sunday, May 21 Sixth Sunday of Easter
In Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus promises “the Advocate,” the Holy Spirit, and says that if we are united with him [Jesus], we are united with God the Father too. The Blessed […]read more
FROM OUR EDITORS— Sunday, May 14 • Fifth Sunday of Easter
In addition to being the Fifth Sunday of Easter, this Sunday is Mother’s Day. When parents bring a baby home from the hospital, particularly their first child, they are in […]read more
FROM OUR EDITORS—Sunday, May 7 • Fourth Sunday of Easter
Happy Easter! Remember that the Easter season continues until Pentecost. Keep greeting your class with “Happy Easter!” Keep seeking and celebrating the joy of Easter in your heart and home […]read more
FROM THE PGW EDITORS—Walking with Jesus
We can imagine the despair and discouragement the disciples walking to Emmaus felt as they left Jerusalem after Jesus’ Death. They didn’t at first recognize the stranger walking with them […]read more
Greetings of Easter joy! The Easter season continues until Pentecost. Easter is of such importance that it can’t be celebrated in only one day or week. It takes a “week […]read more
FROM THE PGW EDITORS—Celebrating the Resurrection
Greetings during Holy Week as we anticipate the joy of Easter. Surprises are nice, but there’s something special about anticipating, especially after a season of sacrifice. May you, your families, […]read more
The days of Lent are passing by quickly! As we prepare for Palm Sunday and Holy Week, we’re reminded of highs and lows in the lives of Jesus and his […]read more
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Our Editors
David Dziena
David Dziena is the Publisher of Pflaum Publishing Group. He has also served as Executive Editor and […]
Joan McKamey
Project Editor
Joan McKamey, project editor, joined the Gospel Weeklies editorial team in September 2016. […]
Erika De Urquidi
Bilingual Editor
Erika De Urquidi, bilingual editor, joined Bayard, Inc. in July 2018. During her 15 years as a professional translator […]