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Author: Joan McKamey

Martin Luther, a Catholic monk, didn’t set out to break from the Church. Yet his expression of concerns about the selling of indulgences was the spark that ignited the Protestant […]
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As we come to the end of October, many of our students may be getting excited about Halloween. More than costumes and candy happens this year on October 31. This […]
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Sunday’s Gospel is a great one for World Mission Sunday. As we consider “what belongs to Caesar” and “what belongs to God,” we might take it a step further and […]
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What Catholic wouldn’t want to chat with Pope Francis? Now’s your chance as he shares about the Church’s missionary efforts during this World Mission Month. Engage your young Catholics in […]
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Busy! That’s often my response when asked how I’m doing. I know I’m not alone in the rush to get it all done. And the coming of autumn (my favorite […]
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Rules, rules, rules! Sometimes it seems there are rules about everything! But rules serve a very useful purpose. They help keep us within the limits of acceptable behavior. Rules can […]
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With the start of October, we begin Respect Life Month. The theme in the US this year is “Be Not Afraid.” We can each likely think of several times that […]
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Life is busy! As I glimpse ahead at my October calendar, I already feel overwhelmed—and the month hasn’t even begun! If you feel as I do, I invite you to […]
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“And they’re off and running” is the traditional announcement at the start of a horse race. It likely applies to you and your students as you begin your faith formation […]
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Depending on where you live, children may be coming to class who are directly affected by or concerned about natural disasters (Hurricane Harvey, Hurricane Irma, wildfires in several western states) […]
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