Pflaum is pleased to offer a variety of webinars to support parish and diocesan faith formation leaders, parish catechists, Catholic school teachers, and parents.
Previews of Pflaum Faith Formation and Sacramental Preparation Programs and more!
Presented by Sister Janet Schaeffler, O.P.
Presented by Sister Janet Schaeffler, O.P.
Featuring Dr. Patricia M. McCormack, IHM, Ed.D.
Available for purchase on Vimeo.
Program Demo (click here) | Purchasing Information (click here)
For a complete list of these webinars, click here.
Training for Pflaum Faith Formation and Sacramental Preparation Programs and online resources!
Presented by Jen Miller and Chris Adams
Presentada por Luisa Negret
Presented by Jen Miller and Chris Adams
Presentada por Luisa Negret
Presented by Marylin T. Kravatz-Toolan, Ph.D.
Presented by Jen Miller and Chris Adams
Presentada por Luisa Negret
For a complete list of these webinars, click here.
Looking for new ideas for faith formation outside of the school year? Pflaum Publishing now offers lessons for the summer months.
Presented by John Burland and Miss Heidi Witte
Presented by Amy Buttarazzi, Director of Family Ministry at St. Joseph Parish in Cockeysville, MD
Presented by Kevin M. Dowd, Ph.D. Candidate. Kevin is the author of Teaching Kids to Respect Others: Reflections, Actions & Prayers on Bullying and Prejudice.
Presented by Sister Eileen McCann, CSJ
Presented by Andrea West, Diocese of Orange, CA
For a complete list of these webinars, click here.
Presented by Marylin T. Kravatz-Toolan, Ph.D.
Presented by Jen Miller and Chris Adams
Presented by Fr. Nigel Barrett
Presented by Fr. Nigel Barrett
Featuring Dr. Patricia M. McCormack, IHM, Ed.D.
Available for purchase on Vimeo.
Program Demo (click here) | Purchasing Information (click here)
For a complete list of these webinars, click here.
Presented by Oscar Cruz, Bayard’s Catechumenate/OCIA Specialist
Learn or review the vision behind and practical aspects of the Church’s process for forming and initiating new members (age 7–adult).
Presented by Sister Eileen McCann, CSJ
Presented by Kevin M. Dowd, Ph.D. Candidate
Kevin is the author of Teaching Kids to Respect Others: Reflections, Actions & Prayers on Bullying and Prejudice.
Looking for new ideas for faith formation outside of the school year? Pflaum Publishing now offers lessons for the summer months.
For a complete list of these webinars, click here.