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Parent/Grandparent Assistance for Home Study

Parent/Grandparent Assistance for Home Study

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Introducing Dr. Marylin: Our Family Catechesis Mentor!

Meet Dr. Marylin T. Kravatz-Toolan, our online mentor for grandparents, parents, and catechists. She has a host of ideas to bring everyone together and is readily available to support your parish! In this brief welcome video, we introduce Dr. Marylin and provide an overview of the resources available on our website for grandparents and parents.

Greetings from Dr. Marylin Kravatz-Toolan

Welcome to the Pflaum Gospel Weeklies Family Catechesis for Grandparents! It is a privilege for me to be with you on this very special journey that we share as grandparents. We also will be venturing together on how we can pass on our Catholic faith both formally and informally to our grandchildren.

I hope you have had a chance to view the webinar where I explain the basis and benefits for grandparents who have a role in the faith formation of their grandchildren. I am pleased to offer the support you may need to take on that role.

As you can see in the catechetical materials, the people at Pflaum offer a comprehensive program for each lesson. The lessons are vibrant and, most importantly, are based on each Sunday’s Gospel. As you will see, I offer you additional tips and ideas for a grandparent to carry out the lesson. I am sure you will be able to share your own ideas as well. There also will be the opportunity for you to reflect on the Gospel and other teachings for yourself, so that you can feel immersed in the Gospel and the teachings before you actually meet with your grandchildren.

Thank you for responding to the invitation to recognize your honorable place in the family. Thank you as well for realizing that you can offer so much to your family not only in what you already do as a parent/grandparent but also as a disciple in handing on the faith. Pope Francis has made known his support and declarations of honor for us. He has reminded us that we can still bear much fruit.

I pray that this experience blesses you and those you love as you continue to nurture those most important relationships you have been given. May the Holy Spirit fill you with graced moments and may we remain living signs of God’s loving presence to our children and grandchildren.

Peace and Blessings,

Dr. Marylin


Below are Dr. Marylin’s latest webinars. For a complete list of webinars for parents/grandparents click here.

Ideas for Parent and Grandparent Support in Family Catechesis

Rewatch this very special webinar presented by Dr. Marylin Kravatz-Toolan to encourage more parent and grandparent involvement in catechesis and Mass attendance.

Lessons On Love with Dr. Marylin

Marylin Kravatz-Toolan, professional catechist, catechetical leader, educator, mother, and grandmother invites participants to consider: Why love? What is love? What is it not? How do we teach children about love?

Gift of Traditions: Nourishment for Family Faith Formation

From her home to yours, Dr. Marilyn Kravatz-Toolan, our mentor for family catechesis, shares the traditions and rituals that bring meaning to her family and friends throughout the seasons. This is recorded for you to enjoy at your leisure or listen to while you prepare your home for the holiday season.

Reflection Videos

Below are Dr. Marylin’s latest reflection videos. For a complete list of reflection videos click here.

February 16, 2025 • 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dr. Marylin shares weekly reflections related to the upcoming Sunday Gospel to assist grandparents, parents, and catechists in sharing the Gospel message with the children in their lives.

February 9, 2025 • 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dr. Marylin shares weekly reflections related to the upcoming Sunday Gospel to assist grandparents, parents, and catechists in sharing the Gospel message with the children in their lives.

February 2, 2025 • Presentation of the Lord

Dr. Marylin shares weekly reflections related to the upcoming Sunday Gospel to assist grandparents, parents, and catechists in sharing the Gospel message with the children in their lives.

January 26, 2025 • 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dr. Marylin shares weekly reflections related to the upcoming Sunday Gospel to assist grandparents, parents, and catechists in sharing the Gospel message with the children in their lives.

Lesson Planning Ideas

Below are helpful planning ideas for upcoming lessons. For the full list of lesson plans click here.

March 2

February 23

February 16


Marylin T. Kravatz-Toolan, Ph.D., serves in the catechetical ministry of the Church and in the field of religious education. Dr. Kravatz-Toolan is a member of the Archdiocesan Lifelong Faith Formation Advisory Council in the Archdiocese of Newark. She held the position as the Executive Director of the Online Graduate Programs in Religious Education as well as Associate Professor in Religious Studies and Religious Education at Felician University in Lodi, NJ. Dr. Kravatz-Toolan holds a B.A. in the humanities with a concentration in Religious Studies and Philosophy from Dominican College in Blauvelt, NY; an M.A. in Religious Studies from the Institute of Religious Studies, St. Joseph’s Seminary, Dunwoodie, NY; and a Ph.D. in Religious Education from Fordham University, Bronx, NY. She has been a Parish Catechetical Leader for the Archdiocese of New York and Regional Director for the Office of Faith Formation in the Diocese of Charlotte, NC. A published author, Dr. Kravatz-Toolan also serves as an independent educator/teacher for catechist training and formation as well as a keynote presenter on Church-related and ministerial issues for parishes and dioceses. She is the proud mother of five adult children and the grateful grandmother to eleven children/teens ranging in ages 6-19 years old.

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