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Author: David Dziena

Luke 2:1–14 & Matthew 2:1–12 Christmas celebrates God becoming one of us and one with us. Jesus comes as an infant, placed in the care of a struggling but loving […]
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Luke 1:26–38 In Sunday’s Gospel, the angel Gabriel disturbs Mary with the words, “The Lord is with you…. You have found favor with God.” Mary wonders what those words mean. […]
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John 1:6–8, 19–28 During Advent, we prepare for Christmas by listening to the people who prepared the way for Jesus’ coming. In this Sunday’s Gospel, people ask John the Baptist […]
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Mark 1:1–8 In Sunday’s Gospel, John the Baptist urges people to prepare a smooth, straight road on which God can come to us. Isaiah’s words of comfort to the exiled Israelites […]
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Mark 13:33–37 The Church’s three-year cycle of Lectionary readings begins again on the First Sunday of Advent. We start reading from Cycle B, which is organized around Mark’s Gospel. Throughout Advent, […]
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  Matthew 25:31–46 This Sunday, we hear Jesus’ great parable of judgment. The parable clearly states that all will be judged on the Works of Mercy described in it. We […]
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  Matthew 25:14–30 In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus tells a pointed story about three servants. Their master entrusts them with varying amounts of money. Two of the servants double their […]
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Matthew 25:1–13 In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus uses the parable of the bridegroom and 10 girls to tell his disciples to remain vigilant. The parable describes some of the girls […]
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Matthew 23:1–12 In this Sunday’s Gospel, the Pharisees take the best seats in the house to show how important they are. They act only if it benefits them, but Jesus […]
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Matthew 22:34–40 In this Sunday’s Gospel, the Pharisees are again trying to test Jesus. They were well aware that there are many laws in the first five books of the […]
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