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Author: David Dziena

Luke 4:1–13 This Sunday’s Gospel is the familiar temptation of Jesus by the devil. Satan tempts Jesus who was led into the desert by the Holy Spirit for forty days. […]
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Luke 6:27–38 Jesus continues his teaching following the Beatitudes. He tells us to love our enemies, pray for those who hurt us, and give of ourselves to anyone who asks. […]
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Luke 6:17, 20–26 In this week’s Gospel, Luke gives us the Beatitudes taught by Jesus. Jesus also cautions those who are rich, well-fed, happy, and liked by others. Lucas 6, […]
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Luke 5:1–11 Luke’s telling of the call of the disciples focuses on Simon Peter. Jesus tells Peter to cast his net for a catch even though Peter has fished all […]
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Luke 4:21–30 The Gospel for this Sunday is a summary of Luke’s whole Gospel. Jesus tells the Good News of God’s favor and kindness toward all people. But Jesus’ message […]
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Luke 1:1–4; 4:14–21 In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus says he fulfills the words of the prophet Isaiah. He is chosen to bring good news to the poor, sight to the […]
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John 2:1–11 In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus begins his public ministry at a wedding feast at Cana in Galilee. He saves the groom some embarrassing moments by providing a fresh […]
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Luke 3:15–16, 21–22 The story of Jesus’ baptism in Sunday’s Gospel shows the mystery of the Blessed Trinity. After John baptizes Jesus in the Jordan, God announces to the crowd […]
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Christmas: Luke 2:1–14 Epiphany: Matthew 2:1–12 Christmas celebrates God’s becoming one of us and one with us. Jesus comes as an infant, placed in the care of a struggling but […]
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Luke 1:39–45 In Sunday’s Gospel, Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth. The two of them demonstrate just how to trust God’s Word and to rejoice in God’s blessings. They both praise […]
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